

The Mittwald Hotel and MCM Restaurant is owned by the family Werner for around 56 years.

The history of our hotel began in the founding years of the young city Espelkamp. Out of an old engine shed from the 30s a residence was built in 1953 and shortly after reconstructed into a hotel and restaurant.

In 1969, Carla and Martin Werner acquired that simple hotel – with seven rooms, no shower or toilet – and rebuild it into an attractive hotel in the course of time.

Today we – Cornelia Werner & Rainer Dewitz – have 44 comfortable, newly arranged and renovated business rooms (60 beds) to offer. And we continuously work on our rooms – according to the saying:

- You don't have to complete your work, but you should never give up trying! -

Mittwald Hotel & MCM Restaurant

Ostlandstraße 23
32339 Espelkamp
Tel: +49 5772 / 9778-0
Fax: +49 5772 / 9778-22

Hotel open daily from 6:00 - 23:00.

Warm Meals:

Monday - Thursday:
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Closed on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays


The hotel with 44 rooms, our full breakfast bufett, the MCM restaurant and the green garden terrasse is open now!
We are glad to welcome you, please contact us:
05772 - 97780
Cornelia Werner & Rainer Dewitz
und das Mittwald Hotel Team